Pennsylvania currently has four waivers that serve children, all of which are home and community based 1915(c) waivers. All waive parent income when determining eligibility. See Pennsylvania’s Medicaid Waiver page for more information. Pennsylvania also has a state-based program that is much like a TEFRA program and provides coverage to any child in the state with a disability.
Pennsylvania Advocacy Organizations:
- PEAL Center
- PA Families Inc
- Disability Rights Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania Health Law Project
- The Arc of Pennsylvania
Last updated 10/19/23
Programs in Pennslyvania
- Target Population: Children and adults who have a developmental disability, intellectual disability, or autism.
- Ages: all ages
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 19,181
- Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides community participation support, education support services, homemaker/chore, in-home and community support, residential habilitation, respite, supported employment, supports coordination, specialized supplies, therapy services, supports broker services, advanced supported employment, assistive technology, behavioral support, benefits counseling, communication specialist, companion, consultative nutritional services, family medical support assistance, family/caregiver training and support, home accessibility adaptations, housing transition and tenancy sustaining services, life sharing, music therapy/art therapy/equine assisted therapy, participant-directed goods and services, remote supports, shift nursing, small group employment, supported living, transportation, and vehicle accessibility adaptation services to individuals with autism ages 0 or older, individuals with developmental disabilities ages 0-21 years, and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
- Online State Information: Consolidated Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call the Customer Service Hotline at 1-888-565-9435 or contact your county Mental Health / Intellectual Disabilities Office.
- Waiting List: There are 12,439 people with developmental disabilities and 1666 with autism on Pennsylvania’s waiting list, but they are primarily adults.
Also called PFDS Waiver
- Target Population: Children and adults who have a developmental disability, intellectual disability, or autism.
- Ages: all ages
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 15,490
- Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides community participation support, education support services, homemaker/chore, in-home and community support, respite, supported employment, supports coordination, specialized supplies, therapy services, supports broker services, advanced supported employment, assistive technology, behavioral support, benefits counseling, communication specialist services, companion, consultative nutritional services, family medical support assistance, family/caregiver training and support, home accessibility adaptations, housing transition and tenancy sustaining service, music therapy/art therapy/equine assisted therapy, participant-directed goods and services, remote supports, shift nursing, small group employment, transportation, and vehicle accessibility adaptation services to individuals with autism ages 0 or older, individuals with developmental disabilities ages 0-21 years, and individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
- Online State Information: Person/Family Directed Support
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call the Customer Service Hotline at 1-888-565-9435 or contact your county Mental Health / Intellectual Disabilities Office.
- Waiting List: There are 12,439 people with developmental disabilities and 1666 with autism on Pennsylvania’s waiting list, but they are primarily adults.
- Target Population: Children and adults who have a developmental disability, intellectual disability, or autism.
- Ages: all ages
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 15432
- Expiration Date: 12/31/2027
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides community participation support, education support services, homemaker/chore, in-home and community support, life sharing, respite, supported employment, supports coordination, unlicensed residential habilitation, specialized supplies, therapy services, supports broker service, advanced supported employment, assistive technology, behavioral support, benefits counseling, communication specialist services, companion, consultative nutritional services, family medical support assistance, family/caregiver training and support, home accessibility adaptations, housing transition and tenancy sustaining service, music therapy/art therapy/equine assisted therapy, participant-directed goods and services, remote supports, shift nursing, small group employment, supported living, transportation, and vehicle accessibility adaptation services to individuals with autism ages 0 or older, individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 0 or older, and individuals with developmental disabilities ages 0 to 21 years who meet an ICF/IID level of care.
- Online State Information: Community Living Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call the Customer Service Hotline at 1-888-565-9435 or contact your county Mental Health / Intellectual Disabilities Office.
- Waiting List: There are 12,439 people with developmental disabilities and 1666 with autism on Pennsylvania’s waiting list, but they are primarily adults.
- Target Population: Young children who have a developmental or intellectual disability.
- Ages: 0-2
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 6500
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2026
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides special instruction for individuals with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities ages 0-2.
- Online State Information: Infants and Toddlers and Families Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call 717-346-1119, or call the Customer Service Hotline at 1-888-565-9435, or contact your county Mental Health / Intellectual Disabilities Office.
- Waiting List: There are 12,439 people with developmental disabilities and 1666 with autism on Pennsylvania’s waiting list, but they are primarily adults.
This state-based program grants Medicaid coverage to more than 60,000 children of all incomes in Pennsylvania, including children with autism, developmental disabilities, and complex medical needs.
- Target Population: Any child with a disability as defined by Social Security Disability criteria.
- Ages: 0-18
- Levels of Care: not applicable
- Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: state-based
- Spots: unlimited
- Expiration Date: NA
- Description: Medicaid coverage only.
- Online State Information: See this overview from the state (scroll down to 305.292 PH) or this independent guide on the PH-95 Category.
- How to Apply: Apply for Medicaid using a paper application or online.
- Waiting List: none
Additional Information
- Pennsylvania’s Early Intervention Program
- Pennsylvania’s Title V Program: Special Kids Network
- Pennsylvania has recently implemented a Family Home Health Aide program, which allows parents to be paid for providing care to their own children as a licensed home health aide. Parents can only provide unskilled care. As this is a new program, limited information is available at this time. Some information is available in this memo.
- In the Consolidated Waiver, Person/Family Directed Support Waiver, and Community Living Waiver, parents/guardians may be paid for personal care. “The only two waiver services legally responsible individuals can provide that have personal care components are In- Home and Community Support and Life Sharing. A legally responsible individual is a person who has legal obligation under the provisions of law to care for another person, including parents of minor children (under the age of 18) and legally-assigned relative caregivers of minor children. These individuals may be paid to provide In-Home and Community Support and Life Sharing services when the following conditions are met: The service is considered extraordinary care. A legally responsible individual is legally responsible to meet the needs of a minor child, including the need for assistance and supervision typically required for children at various stages of growth and development. A legally responsible individual can, however, receive payment for In-Home and Community Support or Life Sharing when this support goes beyond what would be expected to be performed in the usual course of parenting, and when needed support exceeds what is typically required for a child of the same age; The service would otherwise need to be provided by a qualified provider of services funded under the Waiver; The legally responsible individual is not the common law employer or managing employer for the participant that they will provide the service to; The service is provided by a legally responsible individual who meets the qualification criteria that are established by ODP in Appendix C-3 of the approved Waivers. The service definition for In-Home and Community Support outlines limits for the number of hours that legally responsible individuals, relatives or legal guardians may provide the service.”
- In the waivers, parents/guardians may also be paid for some other services, including Transportation.
- Community HealthChoices Waiver
- Adult Autism Waiver
- Adult Community Autism Program
- OBRA Waiver
- Act 150 – State program for adult personal care
- LIFE (Living Independence for the Elderly Program) also known as LTCCAP or PACE
- Money Follows the Person (new)