Oklahoma currently has three waivers/programs that serve children, including a TEFRA program and two home and community based 1915(c) waivers. The TEFRA program waives parent income, the Community waiver does not, and we are unsure of the deeming status of the In-Home Supports waiver. See Oklahoma’s HCBS Waivers page for general information.
Advocacy Organizations in Oklahoma:
Last updated 10/17/23
Programs in Oklahoma
- Target Population: Children who would otherwise require care in an institution with any type of disability, including medical, developmental, intellectual, or psychiatric conditions.
- Ages: 0-18
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility, Nursing Facility, Hospital
- Income Waiver: Yes, the program is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: TEFRA
- Spots: unlimited
- Expiration Date: NA
- Description: Provides Medicaid coverage only.
- Online State Information: TEFRA program
- How to Apply: Request an application by emailing TEFRAFAX@OKHCA.ORG or call 405-522-7752.
- Waiting List: none
- Target Population: Children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
- Ages: 3+
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: no
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 3581
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2025
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides adult day health, habilitation training specialist services, homemaker, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, nursing, prescribed drugs, agency companion, audiology services, community transition services, daily living supports, dental services, environmental accessibility adaptations and architectural modification, extended duty nursing, family counseling, family training, group home, intensive personal support, nutrition services, occupational therapy services, physical therapy services, psychological services, remote support, respite daily, self-directed goods and services (SD-GS), specialized foster care also known as specialized family home/care, specialized medical supplies and assistive technology, speech therapy services, and transportation for individuals with intellectual disabilities, ages 3 – no max age.
- Online State Information: Oklahoma Community Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Contact your Local Area Office.
- Waiting List: 3020 people with developmental disabilities are on Oklahoma’s waiting list.
- Target Population: Children with intellectual disabilities.
- Ages: 3-17
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: unknown
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 250
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2022
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides habilitation training specialist services, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, environmental accessibility adaptations and architectural modification, family training, occupational and physical therapy, self directed goods and services (SD-GS), specialized medical supplies and assistive technology for individuals with IID, ages 3-17.
- Online State Information: In-Home Supports for Children
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Contact your Local Area Office.
- Waiting List: 3020 people with developmental disabilities are on Oklahoma’s waiting list.
Additional Information
- Oklahoma’s Early Intervention Program: Sooner Start
- Oklahoma’s Title V Program: Children with Special Health Care Needs
- Family Support Assistance – monthly cash program
- Respite Voucher Program – provides respite for individuals with developmental disabilities
- We have reports that Oklahoma allows parents who are nurses to be paid to care for their minor children.