In 2014, New Jersey transitioned its waivers to a single, comprehensive Medicaid waiver that is an 1115 demonstration program. Children who meet a nursing home level of care can qualify for the Medicaid Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) program, which is based only on the child’s income. General Information on New Jersey’s FamilyCare Comprehensive Waiver can be found on the Office of Home and Community Services page.
Some limited home and community based services for children with behavioral or developmental disabilities are provided as part of the Comprehensive Waiver through PerformCare or New Jersey Children’s System of Care, including in-home care, ABA, and respite. Through the Children’s Support Services Program, children receive services through three tiers. Low income children receiving Medicaid receive additional targeted HCBS services. Middle income children (up to 300%) receive both Medicaid state plan services and targeted HCBS services. Families over the income level only receive targeted HCBS services.
Advocacy Organizations in New Jersey:
Last updated 10/5/23