Alabama currently has five waivers that are open to children. This includes a new Community Care Waiver for people with intellectual disabilities in certain counties. All programs are HCBS 1915(c) Medicaid waivers, though one is concurrent with an 1115 demonstration program. Three of these programs waive parental income; we do not know the status of the others. View Alabama’s HCBS waiver page, which includes a chart comparing waivers.

Advocacy organizations in Alabama:

Last updated 10/7/2024

Programs in Alabama

Also called CWP waiver

  • Target Population: Children and adults with intellectual disabilities in Baldwin, Elmore, Houston, Jefferson, Limestone, Madison, Mobile, Montgomery, Morgan, Tuscaloosa, and Walker counties.
  • Ages: 3+
  • Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
  • Income Waiver: Unknown
  • Waiver Type: 1915(c) and 1115
  • Spots: 1550
  • Expiration Date: 10/20/2026
  • Description from Provides breaks and opportunities (respite), community-based residential services, integrated employment, path services, personal assistance – home, support coordination, adult family home, assistive technology and adaptive aids, co-worker supports, community integration connections and skills training, community transportation, family empowerment and systems navigation counseling, financial literacy and work incentives benefits counseling, housing counseling services, housing start-up assistance, independent living skills training, individual directed goods and services, minor home modifications, natural support or caregiver education and training, occupational therapy, peer specialist services, personal assistance-community, physical therapy, positive behavior supports, remote supports, skilled nursing, speech and language therapy, supported employment individual, supported employment small group, and supported living services for individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 – no max age.
  • Online State Information: Community Waiver Program or this information from the Department of Mental Health.
  • Official Federal Information: 1915(c) and 1115
  • How to Apply: Contact the Intellectual Disabilities Call Center of the Alabama Department of Mental Health at 1-800-361-4491.
  • Waiting List: There are 1549 people with intellectual disabilities on Alabama’s waiting list.

Also called Intellectual Disabilities Waiver, HCBS Waiver for Persons with MR

  • Target Population: Children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
  • Ages: 3+
  • Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
  • Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
  • Waiver Type: 1915(c)
  • Spots: 5260
  • Expiration Date: 9/30/2025
  • Description from Provides day habilitation, employment support, personal care, prevocational services, residential habilitation, respite, adult companion services, assistive technology services, benefits and career counseling, community experience, community specialist, crisis intervention, environmental accessibility adaptations, housing stabilization service, individual directed goods and services, occupational therapy, personal emergency response system, physical therapy, positive behavior support, skilled nursing, specialized medical supplies, speech and language therapy, supported employment transportation, supported living service for individuals with ID, ages 3 – no max age.
  • Online State Information: Intellectual Disabilities Waiver
  • Official Federal Information
  • How to Apply: Contact the Intellectual Disabilities Call Center of the Alabama Department of Mental Health at 1-800-361-4491.
  • Waiting List: There are 1549 people with intellectual disabilities on Alabama’s waiting list.

Also called Living at Home Waiver

  • Target Population: Children and adults with intellectual disabilities.
  • Ages: 3+
  • Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
  • Income Waiver: Unknown
  • Waiver Type: 1915(c)
  • Spots: 644
  • Expiration Date: 9/30/2025
  • Description from Provides day habilitation, employment support, personal care, prevocational services, respite, adult companion services, assistance in community integration, assistive technology services, benefits and career counseling, community experience, crisis intervention, environmental accessibility adaptations, housing stabilization service, individual directed goods and services, occupational therapy, personal emergency response system, physical therapy, positive behavior support, remote supports, skilled nursing, specialized medical supplies, speech and language therapy, and supported employment transportation for individuals with intellectual disabilities ages 3 to no max age.
  • Online State Information: Living at Home Waiver
  • Official Federal Information
  • How to Apply: Contact the Intellectual Disabilities Call Center of the Alabama Department of Mental Health at 1-800-361-4491.
  • Waiting List: There are 1549 people with intellectual disabilities on Alabama’s waiting list.

Also called ACT Waiver

  • Target Population: Children and adults currently living in nursing homes who wish to live in the community. Children and adults must have a physical or other health-related disability.
  • Ages: all ages
  • Levels of Care: Nursing Facility
  • Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
  • Waiver Type: 1915(c)
  • Spots: 675
  • Expiration Date: 3/31/2026
  • Description from Provides adult day health, case management, homemaker, personal care, respite (skilled and unskilled), adult companion service, assistive technology, home delivered meals, home modifications, medical supplies, personal assistant service, personal emergency response systems-installation/monthly fee, skilled nursing, transitional assistance services for aged individuals, 65 to no max age, and disabled individuals (physical and other), 0 to no max age.
  • Online State Information: Act Waiver
  • Official Federal Information
  • How to Apply: Contact an Aging and Disability Resource Center. Call 877-425-2243 or 800-243-5463 or find your local center here.
  • Waiting List: Alabama does not list any individuals with physical or medical disabilities on its waiting list, but does have a waiting list of 1549 individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Also called Elderly and Disabled Waiver

  • Target Population: Children and adults with physical or other health-related disabilities.
  • Ages: all ages
  • Levels of Care: Nursing Facility
  • Income Waiver: Yes, the waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
  • Waiver Type: 1915(c)
  • Spots: 9355
  • Expiration Date: 9/30/2022
  • Description from Provides adult day health, case management, homemaker, personal care, skilled respite, companion service, home delivered meals, and unskilled respite for aged individuals 65+, and individuals with physical or other disabilities of all ages.
  • Online State Information: Elderly and Disabled Waiver
  • Official Federal Information
  • How to Apply: Contact an Aging and Disability Resource Center. Call 877-425-2243 or 800-243-5463 or find your local center here.
  • Waiting List: Alabama does not list any individuals with physical or medical disabilities on its waiting list, but does have a waiting list of 1549 individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Additional Information

Alabama’s Personal Choices program provides a monthly allowance to participants that can be spent on services, including some paid family caregiving. It is available to participants in the Elderly and Disabled Waiver, the Alabama Community Transition (ACT) Waiver, State of Alabama Independent Living (SAIL) Waiver, the Intellectual Disabilities (ID) Waiver, and the Living at Home (LAH) Waiver. We believe this program allows parents of minors to be paid. Please contact us if you have additional information on this program.