Utah currently has five Medicaid waivers that can serve children, and all of them are home and community based 1915(c) waivers. The autism waiver was recently terminated, but a new Limited Supports Waiver was added. All waivers are based only on child income without regard to parent income. See Utah’s Medicaid for Long-Term Care page or HCBS Waivers page for general information about programs in Utah.
Advocacy Organizations in Utah:
Last updated 10/31/23
Programs in Utah
Also called Travis C. Waiver
- Target Population: Children who are medically fragile or technology dependent, and have a trach, vent, CPAP/BiPAP, or TPN.
- Ages: 0-20
- Levels of Care: Nursing Facility
- Income Waiver: The waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 150
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2028
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides personal attendant services, skilled nursing respite care, extended home health aide, extended private duty nursing, financial management services, family support, and in-home feeding therapy services to individuals who are medically fragile or who are technology dependent ages 0-20 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.
- Online State Information: Technology Dependent Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call (800) 662-9651, option 5.
- Waiting List: There are 135 children who are medically fragile and 330 people with physical disabilities on Utah’s waiting list.
- Target Population: Children who are medically fragile.
- Ages: 0-19
- Levels of Care: Nursing Facility
- Income Waiver: The waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 730
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2028
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides personal attendant services, skilled nursing respite and routine respite, and financial management services to individuals who are medically fragile ages 0-19 years who meet a nursing facility level of care.
- Online State Information: Medically Complex Children’s Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call 800-662-9651, option 5 or fill out the online application.
- Waiting List: There are 135 children who are medically fragile and 330 people with physical disabilities on Utah’s waiting list.
- Target Population: Children and adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities, including autism.
- Ages: all ages
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: The waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 5900
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2025
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides center-based prevocational services, day supports, homemaker, personal assistance, residential habilitation, respite care – intensive, supported employment, waiver support coordination, financial management services, behavior consultation I, behavior consultation II, behavior consultation III, chore services, community transition service, companion services, environmental adaptations – home, environmental adaptations – vehicle, extended living supports, family and individual training and preparation service – tier 1, family and individual training and preparation service – tier 2, massage therapy, personal budget assistance, personal emergency response system, professional medication monitoring, respite care – routine group, respite care – routine, respite care – session, specialized medical equipment/supplies/assistive technology – monthly fee, specialized medical equipment/supplies/assistive technology – purchase, supported living, transportation services (non-medical) for individuals with autism, ID, DD, ages 0 – no max age.
- Online State Information: Community Supports Waiver
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call (801) 538-4200.
- Waiting List: There are 4153 people with developmental disabilities, 135 children who are medically fragile, and 140 with TBI on Utah’s waiting list.
- Target Population: Children and adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities, including autism, and adults with brain injuries.
- Ages: all ages
- Levels of Care: Nursing Facility, Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: The waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 120
- Expiration Date: 12/31/2026
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides integrated community learning, prevocational services, respite, supported employment, financial management services, individual and family peer support, applied behavioral analysis therapy, attendant care, behavioral services, environmental adaptations – home, environmental adaptations – vehicle, individual goods & services, remote support monitoring and equipment, specialized medical equipment/supplies/assistive technology, and transportation services (non-medical) for individuals with brain injury ages 18-no max age, and individuals with autism, intellectual disabilities, and developmental disabilities, ages 0 – no max age.
- Online State Information: Limited Supports Overview
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call (801) 538-4200.
- Waiting List: There are 4231 people with developmental disabilities, 129 children who are medically fragile, and 134 people with brain injuries on Utah’s waiting list.
- Target Population: Children and adults with developmental or intellectual disabilities, including autism. This waiver is ONLY to move individuals from intermediate care facilities into the community.
- Ages: all ages
- Levels of Care: Intermediate Care Facility
- Income Waiver: The waiver is based on the child’s income only. Parent income is not counted.
- Waiver Type: 1915(c)
- Spots: 250
- Expiration Date: 6/30/2025
- Description from medicaid.gov: Provides center-based prevocational services, day supports, homemaker, personal assistance, residential habilitation, respite – routine, supported employment, waiver support coordination, behavior consultation I, behavior consultation II, behavior consultation III, chore services, community transition services, companion services, environmental adaptations – home, environmental adaptations – vehicle, extended living supports, family and individual training and preparation service – tier I, family and individual training and preparation service – tier II, financial management services, massage therapy, personal budget assistance, personal emergency response system, professional medication monitoring, professional nursing services, residential habilitation – DCFS/JJS, respite care – intensive, respite care – session, respite – routine group, specialized medical equipment/supplies/assistive technology—monthly fee, specialized medical equipment/supplies/assistive technology—purchase, supported living, transportation services (non-medical) for individuals with autism, ID, DD, ages 0 – no max age.
- Online State Information: Community Transitions Program
- Official Federal Information
- How to Apply: Call (801) 538-9294 or email icftransition@utah.gov.
- Waiting List: There are 4231 people with developmental disabilities, 129 children who are medically fragile, and 134 people with brain injuries on Utah’s waiting list.
Additional Information
- Utah’s Early Intervention Program: Baby Watch
- Utah’s Title V Program: Children with Special Health Care Needs
- In the Waiver for Technology Dependent, Medically Fragile Individuals and also the Medically Complex Children’s Waiver, parents/guardians may elect to replace respite care with attendant care up to 13 hours per month and be paid to provide this service.
- During the pandemic, caregivers, including spouses and parents of minors, were allowed to be paid for up to 40 hours of care per week through the five other waivers run by the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD). A bill was passed in 2023 to continue this program. More information is available here.